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Rafael Fuentes - Victoria mayor candidate 2022

Rafael Fuentes

Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

No, I live in View Royal where I found affordable housing that accepts my children.

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Courier for 1.5 years .

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

My daughter Madrona died of cancer in 2013. I have volunteered with Island Kids Cancer Association and as Community Engagement Coordinator with Mental Health Society of Greater Victoria. Also, I have done public speaking for Canadian Blood Services and Canadian Cancer Society Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock. People in the community tell us that we are an inspiration to many. And most recently, we were special guests at Golf for Kids/Help Fill a Dream Foundation charity event .

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

I am running for Mayor as i am dealing with affordable housing myself. As a single father, I have had to find solutions. Currently, I live in Biew Royal renting as the landlord accepts my kids. The rental rate is manageable. But my experience has given me perspectives in housing . I was a 50% home owner who understands the costs of ownership and renting . As a renter, I feel for the homeless as it could be me. All of this motivates me to find fast and creative options for affordable housing .

What are your top three issues?

1) Affordable housing. We should find fast and creative ways that can help both the renters and homeowners. We can adjust property taxes and cap rental increases for stability at 2%.

2) Family doctor crisis. We need to find solutions to keep family doctors. As Mayor and council, we need to work with provincial and federal governments quickly .

3) Public Safety. We need to enforce bylaws so that overnight sheltering is not abused to 24/7 living in parks . On sidewalks, we need to find wholistic solutions to clean those areas.

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

Victoria will be cleaner and more prosperous with better infrastructure. Everyone will be able to go downtown to enjoy arts, entertainment,sports, pubs, restaurants, shopping and more. Cars and bicycles will co exist. We can tweak bike lanes that need adjusting so that goods can be transported more efficiently and emergency vehicles are not hindered.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

As Mayor, I will recommend and approve by-laws that will allow medium and major new construction/developments to include at least one office space designated for family doctors to practice. Hopefully , one or more anchor tenants can provide low cost tenancy for family doctors.By doing the latter, these anchor tenants could receive tax breaks at municipal, provincial and federal levels. All of this could lead to viability for other industries and not just for doctors.