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This day in history: Oct. 17, 1913: Hudson's Bay store site being excavated


Messrs. Luney Brothers are making splendid progress upon the excavations for the foundation of the Hudson's Bay store on Douglas Street, and in the course of a few weeks the contract will be fulfilled and the site ready for the erection of the building.

When it is stated that thirty teams are kept continually on the move dumping the clay taken from the pit, something of the speed of the undertaking may be gathered.

So far, none of the rock on the site has been touched, and it may be said to be the intention of the contractors to remove all the earth and clay first.

At several points the excavation has been made almost to the necessary depth, with the exception of the spots at which rock has been encountered. Once the contractors are free to attack the rock formation, and they expect to be so in the course of another week, the completion of the excavation will be well in sight, for, with careful blasting it is deemed possible to complete the task within a few days.

Modern blasting methods will be used, so that, while the most effective results will be secured, there will be no danger in property in the vicinity. The excavation as it is now being carried on affords employment for a staff of over thirty men.

Every day also a large number of people are attracted to the scene by the operations of the steam shovel.