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Being water-wise can promote conservation across Vancouver Island

The Capital Regional District provides helpful and easily accessible solutions for how residents can alter their water consumption habits for the betterment of their community
We all play a part in safeguarding our vital water resources. Photo via iStock

Did you know that climate projections indicate that our region will see longer, dry summers with higher possibilities of drought conditions? 

The fall and winter rains that fill our drinking water reservoir will need to last us the entire year, support fish habitat in downstream rivers and be available to fight wildfire events in an emergency.

Now more than ever, water conservation is of the utmost importance. 

While it may seem like small changes can’t make a difference, the (CRD) wants residents to know that every drop counts and the small actions taken by individuals can make a collective difference that benefits everyone.

Waste not, want not in the Capital Region 

Depending on your location within the region, your water supply may come from a variety of sources. Your drinking water may come from the Sooke Lake Reservoir, or from smaller community water systems or private wells. 

Household water use accounts for 66% of the water used within the region with residents of the region using an average of 232 litres of water per capita per day.  There is a lot of opportunity to reduce this consumption and make choices that are water-wise and have other environmental benefits, too. 

So, what steps can you take to ensure you’re doing your part? We’re so glad you asked!

Starting with the toilet, try to reduce your daily flush count, remember “if it’s yellow, let it mellow”.  Toilets are also often responsible for high-volume, which can account for up to 14% of indoor water use and have an impact on your water bill. Be sure to check for leaks regularly. And don’t use the toilet as a trash can – make sure the: floss, q-tips, wipes and feminine hygiene products are disposed of in the garbage. 

Shower smart and keep your shower under five minutes.  This will not only save water but energy, too. are responsible for using as much as 19% of indoor water use so this tip can make a big difference. Make sure your showerhead is high-efficiency and keep activities like shaving and brushing your teeth to when the water isn’t running. 

In the kitchen, scrape plates into the compost bin and wipe with a used napkin, rather than rinsing them.  This reduces water consumption as well as prevents from clogging your drains and accumulating in our sewer system. 

Choose and appliances throughout the house. Technology has come a long way and new appliances and fixtures can not only save water but significant amounts of energy as well. When renovating or looking to live green, choose high-efficiency models. High-efficiency washing machines use up to 40% less water and 50% less energy (not to mention less detergent).  

Reducing the amount of detergent and other cleaning chemicals we use in our home can also help a whole lot.  Many household cleaners are hard on the environment as they are ultimately washed down the drain. To save money consider making your own environmentally friendly cleaners with simple .

Small habits, big changes 

We all have a role to play in promoting the cleanliness of our wastewater. These small habits can make a big difference in protection of our vital water resources. 

Find more info on how to live green and be water-wise with the CRD, visit .