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This Day in History

Oct. 14, 1871: Extraordinary spiritual communication

Stories from our pages over the last 150 years.

We are informed that a few evenings ago at a spiritual seance in this city, a spirit purporting to be that of the late Captain Frain, took possession of a writing medium and made this extraordinary statement: 'I was struck upon the head with a billet of wood and stunned, afterwards I was stabbed with a knife and a piece of iron tied with a rope around my body was then sunk in 40 fathoms of water, where it now lies. The Chinese cook and the white passenger were then killed by the Indians and also thrown overboard. The boat was next robbed of all its valuables. Joe, the engineer, then attempted to run the steamer when she blew by scalding three of the Indians. I request that my body may be grappled for when it will be found in the condition in which I have stated.'

We give this statement exactly as it comes to us. It will be remembered that at the time of the explosion it was suspected there had been foul play; and if there be anything supernatural in what are called spiritual communications this statement would confirm the suspicion.

-- Daily Colonist